Swap ONG for ONT
Prepare ONTO Web Wallet
Add ONTO Web Wallet to Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onto-wallet/ifckdpamphokdglkkdomedpdegcjhjdp
Create a wallet: https://publicdocs.gitbook.io/onto-web-help-center/getting-started/how-do-i-create-a-wallet
Import a wallet: https://publicdocs.gitbook.io/onto-web-help-center/getting-started/how-do-i-import-a-wallet
Transfer ONG
On Ontology blockchain, there are two forms of addresses: Ontology address (starting with A), Ontology EVM address (starting with 0x)
Below is an example of Ontology address (starting with A) and an example of Ontology EVM address (starting with 0x)
Use Ontology Bridge to transfer ONG from A address to 0x address
Click on "Transfer to Ontology (EVM)" on the asset details page of ONG to open Ontology Bridge website
Click on "Connect Wallet" at the upper right of the Ontology Bridge website, select ONTO Web in the pop-up window
On the "ONG Transfer" page
Select Non-EVM as sending wallet
Enter an Ontology EVM address (starting with 0x) as a receiver
Enter an amount, then click on the "Transfer" button
The transactions fee will be 0.05 ONG (paid by the address starting with A)
Swap ONG for ONT
Connect wallet: select ONTO Wallet and Ontology EVM network
Select ONG and WONT, then enter an amount, then click on the "Swap" button, and then confirm the transaction to complete the process
Bridge ONT
After swapping ONG to WONT, use Ontology Bridge to bridge WONT on 0x address to ONT on A address
On the "Token Bridge" page, select: from ORC-20 to Native, WONT
Approve WONT, and then swap WONT for ONT (The transaction fee of Approve will be paid by the address starting with 0x, and the transaction fee of Swap will be paid by the address starting with A.)
Last updated