Round 189
Total amount of staked ONT in round 189 is 222,861,436, increasing by 0.12% from the previous round. The ratio of total amount of staked ONT to ONT circulating supply is 25.43%, increasing by 0.03%.
Top 5 Nodes with Highest Yield in Round 189
The annual yield rate of ONG incentives the stakers reveiced from staking ONT on the node in Ontology consensus round 189.
No. | Node Name | Annualized Yield |
1 | Wereldvredeshandhavers | 142.50% |
2 | KM_NODE | 58.90% |
3 | Unifi Protocol | 33.16% |
4 | 50/50 - Fifty Fifty fair staking for all | 33.05% |
5 | Victory-joo_node | 32.90% |
Top 5 Nodes with Highest Increase in Stake
Increase in total stake from round 189 to round 190.
No. | Node Name | Increase in Stake |
1 | MA05 | +537,146 ONT |
2 | 大个和他的朋友们 | +424,931 ONT |
3 | LOUIS VUITTON | +416,910 ONT |
4 | yu2007330 | +305,130 ONT |
5 | Alioth | +155,187 ONT |
Fee Sharing Ratio Changes
The fee sharing ratios are changed by the node owner.
The previous refers to the percentage of the ONG incentives from ONT staked by the node owner sharing with the stakers.
The latter refers to the percentage of the ONG incentives from the ONT staked by the stakers sharing with the stakers.
Node Name | Round 190 | Round 191 |
MA05 | 100%/100% | 0%/0% |
LOUIS VUITTON | 100%/100% | 0%/1% |
ONT LITHUANIA | 10%/95% | 0%/0% |
yu2007330 | 0%/90% | 10%/90% |
KM_NODE | 0%/0% | 90%/5% |
Node_03ae1d | 0%/5% | 80%/80% |
Node_MMXXI | 2%/100% | 10%/90% |
SuperNovaᴺᵒᵛᵃ | 0%/0% | 91%/5% |
Node_jeffery | 0%/90% | 0%/95% |
New Nodes
New nodes that signed up in round 189. Description is filled in and submitted by nodes on "Node info" page under "Node Stake Mangement" tab in OWallet.
Node Name | Description |
QuickOne Node | |
SuperNovaᴺᵒᵛᵃ | SuperNovaᴺᵒᵛᵃ enables the solutions that our ontology network is bringing and provides a high yielding distribution ratio. |
Exited Nodes
The nodes below have stopped operation and the ONT staked by users have been returned. Users shall withdraw ONT and stake to other nodes.
Node Name | User Stake in Round 189 |
Node_SHO | 0 ONT |
Last updated