Ontology Node Staking on ONTO

Download ONTO and Create ONT ID Wallet

Click on the link to view the relevant guide. Skip this step if you already have an ONT ID wallet.

Receive ONT and Swap for ONG

ONT and ONG are needed for participation in Ontology Node Staking. ONT is used to be staked to earn ONG. ONG is used to pay transaction fees of staking.

On Assets page, click on "ONT" to open ONT asset page, then click on "Receive" to open "Receive ONT" page. Click on "Copy" to copy the address or scan the QR code to send ONT to this address.

The way of receiving ONG is the same as that of ONT.

Another way to have ONG is to swap ONT for ONG. On ONT asset page, click on Swap button on the top right corner, then enter 1-9 integral number you would like to swap, then click on "Swap Now", and then enter password and confirm to complete the process.

How to Stake ONT in ONTO Wallet?

  1. Tap ONT on the “Assets” tab in ONTO, then tap “Stake” to access the “Node Staking” page where you will see the current cycle, the remaining time of the current cycle, and the staking rules

  2. Tap stake or stake now to continue

  1. Select a node to stake in. Nodes are automatically ranked by APR, and you can tap node details to find out more about each node.


  • Nodes marked as “Bad Actor” and “Alert” have significantly adjusted their fee sharing ratio in at least one of the consensus rounds within the past 10 rounds, please be careful when selecting them.

  • The 15 nodes with the highest total stake amount are consensus nodes, while the rest are candidate nodes.

  • The time it takes to unstake your ONT varies between consensus nodes and candidate nodes, see “How to Unstake and Withdraw ONT” for details.

  1. Enter the ONT amount you want to stake (Integer only)

  2. Tap “Next”

  3. Tap “Confirm” and sign to complete your staking

How to check my stake status?

Tap "My stake" on the top right corner / Tap your staked ONT amount in the middle to check the details of your staking.

  • If your staking is created and confirmed in round 'T', the processing amount will increase, and in the round 'T+1' processing amount will be transferred in the staked amount and start to generate ONG rewards

  • You can switch tabs to check stakings with different statuses

How to claim ONG rewards?

The current claimable ONG amount is displayed in the middle of the page. Tap the "Claim" button and sign to claim ONG rewards.

How to Unstake and Withdraw ONT?

  1. Tap the “Unstake” button on the “My Stake” page.

  2. Enter the amount you want to unstake

  3. Tap “Confirm” and sign to complete

  • If the stake amount is “Processing”, users will be able to withdraw staked ONT right away after the cancellation.

  • If the stake amount is “Staked” and the unstaking occurs in the round ‘T’ Cycle, then

(1) for staking in candidate nodes, users will be able to withdraw ONT at the beginning of the round ‘T+1’;

(2) for staking in consensus nodes, users will be able to withdraw ONT at the beginning of the round ‘T+2’.

  1. Click on the “Withdraw” button on the “My Stake” page to withdraw ONT. The withdrawn ONT will be credited immediately, wait a few seconds and refresh the page if you haven’t received it.

Last updated