Round 227
Total amount of staked ONT in round 227 is 212,294,136. The ratio of total amount of staked ONT to ONT circulating supply is 23.58%.
Top 5 Nodes with Highest Yield in Round 227
The annual yield rate of ONG incentives the stakers received from staking ONT on the node in Ontology consensus round 227.
No. | Node Name | Annualized Yield |
1 | Ontology-DD | 30.27% |
2 | Nakapoto Node | 28.76% |
3 | Unifi Protocol | 28.60% |
4 | ONGS | 28.60% |
5 | MST | 26.71% |
Top 5 Nodes with Highest Increase in Stake
Increase in total stake from round 227 to round 228.
No. | Node Name | Increase in Stake |
1 | Millionaire | +318629 ONT |
2 | ONT Holland | +159995 ONT |
3 | ONTS Node | +146609 ONT |
4 | Ontology-DD | +143177 ONT |
5 | Jedi | +142419 ONT |
Fee Sharing Ratio Changes
The fee sharing ratios are changed by the node owner.
The previous refers to the percentage of the ONG incentives from ONT staked by the node owner sharing with the stakers.
The latter refers to the percentage of the ONG incentives from the ONT staked by the stakers sharing with the stakers.
Node Name | Round 227 | Round 228 |
ONTS Node | 100%/100% | 1%/1% |
Staking | 0%/1% | 100%/90% |
Node_020542 | 0%/0% | 50%/91% |
New Nodes
New nodes that signed up in round 227. Description is filled in and submitted by nodes on "Node info" page under "Node Stake Management" tab in OWallet.
Node name | Description |
Node_020542 |
Node Name Changes
Former Name | New Name |
Last updated